Business to Business Telemarketing Should be Part of Your Multi-Channel Approach

Telemarketing 2While people might want to believe that one of the oldest marketing tools at their disposal has been surpassed by technological advancements, the truth is that business to business telemarketing remains one of the most proactive communication methods and an important part of a multi-channel marketing strategy.

While it may be important to include a variety of channels in your marketing strategies, like email and social media campaigns, leaving business to business telemarketing out of the mix is a sure way to realize a less successful campaign. Perhaps your fear is that your brand will look less edgy and relevant by using such an antiquated method of marketing? Companies that know this fear is invalid see success when they include telemarketing in their overall approach.

It takes skill to run successful campaigns, regardless of if through Twitter or a telemarketing effort. You can’t throw a social media campaign at someone just because they are young and have a command of the social media spectrum – it takes a consistent and focused effort to keep all aspects of the campaign on track. At the same time, you don’t want to pit a few employees together in an in-house telemarketing effort – you need a third party call center to handle all the specifics that go with a well-groomed call campaign.

The edge youÂ’ll see with business to business telemarketing that you wonÂ’t find in social media is the ability to have a private and effective conversation. Social media interaction is open to everyone unless you embark on a private message campaign, which can be time consuming. With a phone call, youÂ’re able to discuss potentially private information that your contact doesnÂ’t want displayed all over the social media sites. Furthermore, with telemarketing being an extremely proactive method of communicating, youÂ’re able to dictate how the conversation goes, surf the ebb and flow and the give and take to a more advantageous end. Even if the call doesnÂ’t result in a sale, youÂ’ll have gained information about how you can better please this individual later.

There are definitely more ways to make a connection with our prospects now than there were a decade ago. Most business professionals are well versed in email and thousands every day are getting more comfortable with social media apps. While these channels are important, they donÂ’t replace the need for telemarketing.

Choosing a reputable telemarketing firm to handle your business-to-business marketing efforts is an important part of the process. A company that has the latest hardware and software, and most importantly, well trained personnel to communicate the intent of your campaign clearly and professionally to your contacts will provide the best results.

Blue Valley Telemarketing specializes in business-to-business telecommunication. We offer the most advanced telemarketing techniques in the industry and assist clients in brand development, demand generation, lead generation, appointment setting, market research, direct sales and many more services. Contact us today and get started on a successful campaign.

Last Updated on April 5, 2022 by Ronen Ben-Dror

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