Using Multiple Channels in Publisher Campaigns

The Value of Telemarketing in Your Publisher Campaigns

publisher campaignsThere is a reason why so many organizations are in a rush to create content – consumers demand it. Thanks to an ever-expanding data network that is working its way into every area and the sheer number of mobile devices people use to stay informed, content is king. It’s no different for publisher campaigns.

In some cases, the changes are occurring so rapidly that companies can’t keep up. One tool organizations are using to keep up is called multi-platform publishing. This allows you to create a consistent message that is shot out onto multiple platforms, from social media to email to telemarketing. For organizations that handle this tool effectively, they’re seeing customer service levels improve, brand recognition reaching larger audiences, better connections with clients, and they are collecting more data that provides valuable insights.

Every organization is different, which means there is no single template that works for everyone. As a publisher, you often develop strategies that are hit and miss; you may go through some trial and error before nailing it down. One way to tackle the issue is to take a large volume of content and parcel it out through multiple platforms. Another method that has provided results is to look more deeply into the sales stages and send content to a targeted audience using this data.

Publisher campaigns need to be sustainable. In order for this goal to be achieved you must be mindful of the member experience. A sustainable strategy will allow you to find your audience, pull them in, convert them and/or retain current members. For instance, websites, digital magazines, blogs, social media and video content will help you find your audience. You can use social media, digital magazines and video media again to attract them to your brand. Webinars, podcasts and digital libraries can be utilized to help you engage them. Convert them with forums, apps and your website. And finally, use multiple channels all connected to the same message to retain them.

There is a role in publisher campaigns for telemarketing as well. All the channels listed above are fairly passive. Telemarketing is among the most proactive methods one can use to engage clients, especially when the publisher campaign is focused on business-to-business. Telemarketers excel at engagement because they’re highly skilled communicators using the latest hardware and software to help them efficiently and effectively connect with prospects or current clients.

Telemarketing is sometimes overlooked because it’s been around for decades and you may think you can utilize more modern methods and see better results. However, you are missing out on the best results when telemarketing is not a part of the equation.

Blue Valley Telemarketing is a company that knows how to run effective publisher campaigns. We specialize in this industry and have proven results that will work for your company. Contact us today and lets start working on a strategy that will help you realize growth.

Last Updated on November 20, 2023 by Ronen Ben-Dror

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