Use Telemarketing as a Part of Your Strategy for Renewing Subscriptions
Ask a publications marketing team what gets ignored the most and theyll likely answer that its renewals. Renewing subscriptions takes a strategy with a well thought out plan that entices current or past subscribers to come back. Lets take a look at some tips put together by teams that have success in their efforts to successfully renew subscriptions:
- Frequent and Consistent Contact
Dont wait until the subscription has run out before contacting your subscribers about renewing. Any successful renewing subscriptions effort should include a plan that involves contacting the subscriber well before the subscription has ended, either through email, direct mail, or telemarketing. - Be Consistent but not Boring
Your message should remain the same but be creative in the approach. A redundant message can be ignored quite easily. Switch up the look of the message and see a better response rate. - Nail Down Your Channels
Email might be the preferred method for some while others respond more aggressively to direct mail. What has been true for years is that telemarketing gets an excellent response on a consistent basis because of its proactive nature. Give every channel a shot, but focus on telemarketing. - Test Different Messages
To know what will drive the best response, come up with multiple designs and multiple scripts. Test them on small audiences and choose the most effective ones to deliver to the masses. - Dont Get Complex
Dont make your offer difficult to understand. A clear and direct message will prevent your efforts from falling on deaf ears. A confusing message can be misconstrued as misleading, causing mistrust among your target audience. Be direct, simple and to the point. - Dont Give Up
Persistence pays off. Subscribers might be quick to say no and move on, but when contacting them via telemarketing, conversation occurs, which means there is a chance to turn that quick no into a maybe or a yes. For those who truly dont want to renew their subscription, telemarketers can find out why and relay that message back to the company. This is something other channels dont offer.
While there are a multitude of channels that the target audience utilizes in their efforts to stay informed, telemarketing remains among the most proactive. There may be less expensive methods of communicating with prospects, but few channels can provide as much value as telemarketing.
Blue Valley Telemarketing specializes in renewing subscriptions. Publisher campaigns are where we have made a name for ourselves. Whether its consumer or business-to-business, we will build a program around your needs. Donor renewal, continuity programs, reactivations, new name acquisition- we have experience in all of these areas.. Contact us today for more information.
Last Updated on November 20, 2023 by Ronen Ben-Dror