Taking Your Content to Another Level With Creative Marketing

Utilizing Telemarketing in Your Creative Marketing Efforts

Most marketers might scoff at the idea of putting “creative” and “marketing” together as creativity iscreative marketing part of the everyday scenario for most marketers. However, marketers, especially in the B2B arena, are taking their creative marketing to new levels today, sometimes using old methods, such as telemarketing. How can you reimagine creativity to improve the effectiveness of your content marketing and generate more leads?

A creative marketing strategy involves more than just being thorough in your content. You also have to be on top of your game when it comes to identifying your target market. You might be diligent in creating content, but it becomes junk mail if the content is sent to people who aren’t going to find the content useful. Correctly identifying the target market and making sure that content is built around their wants and needs is paramount to successful marketing. Telemarketing is one of the best channels for getting to know your audience and keeping them connected with products and services that impact their business.

Perhaps your idea of creative marketing involves splashy graphics that stand out and beckon your target market to act on your content? Keep in mind that the goal isn’t for your audience to recognize your creativity – you simply want them to take away something positive from your efforts. All your content, whether it’s graphics on a white paper, website or case study, carefully crafted words in a direct mail or email piece, or a script you use in your telemarketing – it all must be carefully thought out and part of your overall marketing strategy.

Does your message include a hook? Every message you send out should spur your target audience on to a step toward the buy cycle. Offer a case study or a white paper for free after they fill out a form; offer them a timely discount on an item that they would likely be interested in having. When you use telemarketing in your B2B communication with clients and prospective clients, you can better guide the direction of the interaction and really get across the value of what you’re offering.

Zero-in on the items that really matter to your clients, even if it’s the small stuff. You can find out what matters by using a proactive channel of communication. Telemarketing is one of the only channels that gives you access to their thoughts and feelings about what matters in their industry today. Do you know exactly where you’re falling short within specific demographics? All you have to do is ask. Using your third party telemarketing organization, you can survey your clients and prospective clients and find out if your price point is out of line, if your services are lacking in one particular area or another, or if your lead simply isn’t quite ready to jump into the buy cycle.

Let Blue Valley Telemarketing help guide your creative marketing efforts. We know how to communicate and effectively spread your message. We also know how to nurture those leads that are not prepared for the buy cycle. Contact us today and let’s discuss your next campaign.

Last Updated on September 14, 2023 by Ronen Ben-Dror

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