Take a Multi-Channel Approach to Marketing, but Always Include Telemarketing

Telemarketing 4Thanks to the Internet and mobile technology, we’re more connected today than ever before. Consumers are attached to their smartphones and tablet computers, in a position to pull up information about any number of products that interest them at any given moment. This behavior presents marketing opportunities. However, it can be difficult to fully understand the level at which you are able to personally connect with your target audience.

The best marketing plans utilize a multi-pronged approach where several channels are targeted. Email marketing has become a hot topic due to the ability to reach out to a wide array of consumers at a fraction of the cost of other marketing campaigns. But, again, knowing exactly how that campaign connects with consumers is difficult to ascertain unless they offer feedback, which rarely occurs through this channel.

Despite all the technological advancements in recent decades, the most interpersonal, proactive marketing campaigns include telemarketing. When you really want to know how you’re connecting, you talk to the people you believe to be your audience. While chat functions on websites are growing in popularity, telemarketing remains a more efficient method of contact.

Getting telemarketing right takes a great deal of planning and outsourcing your telemarketing holds great value. In-house telemarketing attempts may fall flat compared to what a third party can do with a scalable workforce at their disposal. Furthermore, hiring a third party is also more economical when you consider the startup costs associated with building your own telecommunications center and the ongoing maintenance and upgrade costs.

Some marketers fear that the National Do Not Call Registry has killed the ability for telemarketing to make an impact on a campaign. The best telemarketers are well aware of the various rules and regulations that keep consumers safe from predatory marketing campaigns, but they also realize that people on the registry can be invited via email to call the company and learn about what is being offered in the campaign.

Telemarketing professionals are also marketing experts. They know how to dig deep into big data to pull out information that can benefit their campaigns. They have the latest technology at their disposal and they are professionally trained to communicate effectively and ethically with prospective customers. And it’s not all about sales — telemarketing experts will nurture leads, develop lead generation programs and get you further along in the sales cycle, prepping your target audience for a future sale.

You should look for a telemarketing company that has proven processes that reduce your acquisition costs. For instance, most business-to-business organizations that use telemarketing focus on quality content that is delivered at the right time to the right people, which generates the highest possible return on investment. When you’re connected with the right telemarketer, your campaign will reach out to only the portion of your prospective customers that fit your specific qualification criteria, which results in a more successful campaign.

Blue Valley Telemarketing offers a full range of services that our clients have used to their advantage, time and time again. We offer clients a full view of their campaign as it happens, giving them the power to make changes where needed for the best outcome. Learn more about our services by contacting us today.

Last Updated on November 20, 2023 by Ronen Ben-Dror

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