Marketing Efforts in Telemarketing to Increase in 2014

Collections 13As society becomes increasingly more mobile with technology, marketing choices follow suit. Last year, according to Advertising Age, only 21 percent of companies said they would increase marketing efforts toward mobile advertising. For 2014, 47 percent of companies asked said it is extremely important for their advertising efforts to include mobile platforms.

Surprisingly, despite the shift in focus toward mobile marketing, only 38.7 percent said they are currently using mobile marketing strategies. However, 47.3 percent said they have developed and are using apps in their mobile strategies, which is a significant jump from 2013 when 21 percent of companies said they were using apps.

According to a business-to-business marketing report from Advertising Age, the amount of money spent on digital sources will increase in this year. Four out of five respondents to Advertising Age’s survey said they will budget for an average of 13 percent more money spent on digital media. These respondents were budgeting for no increases in what they spend on traditional sources, which includes print, radio, television and outdoor advertising. Direct mail spending would also see no increase in the New Year.

Telemarketing, despite a popular notion that it’s taking a back seat to other marketing initiatives, continues to provide excellent returns for companies invested in it. According to the marketing report, 4.3 percent more companies planned on budget increases for telemarketing efforts. Events fell in the middle of digital and telemarketing efforts with an average of 7.2 percent more being spent on marketing events.

What are companies getting out of telemarketing that influences them to throw more money at these efforts? Most would probably answer that no marketing efforts work as well as a person-to-person conversation. Even the most sophisticated app can’t compete with human interaction. This is something telemarketing professionals have known for years. Even as “industry experts” predict the fall of the marketing medium, telemarketing continues to prove its worth and offer an excellent return on investment.

Lead development, publisher campaigns, political campaigns and customer development efforts are all truly impacted by telemarketing efforts. Telemarketing services are useful in helping a company’s efforts in brand development, demand generation and appointment setting. Market research and direct sales are also areas where telemarketing has never failed to impress those who use it.

The Advertising Age report lists events as an area where companies will be spending more money. These events include trade shows, seminars, webinars and event management events – all of which are promoted through and reservations made by telemarketing.

Blue Valley Telemarketing is a professional agency completely focused on offering the highest quality new business development, brand development and demographic and interest based lead generation services. The agency has supported the publishing industry, media companies and B2b environments since 1991, and it continues to be an agency
that clients go back to year after year due to powerful results. If you’re ready to take a look at new lead generation opportunities in your marketing efforts, contact Blue Valley today.

Last Updated on April 5, 2022 by Ronen Ben-Dror

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