Get in Touch With Your Marketing Campaign

Is Personalization a Priority in Your Marketing Campaign?

marketing campaignStudies reveal that personalization in marketing is one of the top priorities in the industry. In fact, Adobe’s 2014 survey on what’s important to marketers shows that personalizing the message is the number one priority of those surveyed. A marketing campaign without the personal touch is missing a vital piece, so what can you do to make the connection with your target audience?

In most marketing channels, the personalization involves no personal interaction and the marketing campaign involves a one-sided “conversation” where the marketer develops a message, delivers it and … end of “discussion.” The only way to tell if the message hit home is to see if the sales department got more leads and/or more sales out of the campaign.

Personalization, whether it’s through email, social media, e-newsletters, or more proactive channels like telemarketing, can significantly boost results. To get more exact on your personalization techniques, you need to take more interest in segmenting your audiences so you can craft more personal messages to a specific audience.

Adobe’s study revealed that one company chose to improve the personalization of their web presence and saw conversions improve by 46 percent. Revenue related to email marketing jumped by 73 percent for Alex and Annie, but only after they fully embraced personalization.

No personalization strategy would be entirely complete without including the most proactive channel out there – telemarketing. The unique thing about telemarketing is that it can open the door to more success with other proactive channels, such as webinars and seminars. Telemarketing is also an excellent choice for drawing the target market’s attention to case studies and white papers that deliver a personalized message. It’s an effective tool to use to promote and further a relationship and hastens the pace of the buy cycle.

The personalization approach is evident in the lead nurturing strategy, especially with telemarketing. It’s only through an actual conversation that we can get the give and take, the back and forth that reveals important data about our target audience and about the way our products and services affect them. Only through telemarketing or face-to-face interaction can this occur. While one-sided conversations have their place in the marketing industry, having the opportunity to share a dialogue is what separates the good marketing campaigns from the great ones.

Blue Valley Telemarketing is a company that knows how to personalize a message, how to communicate with the target audience and push the brand in the right direction. Our lead development solutions are hitting the mark with a multitude of name brand clients. Get more information about how we’ll approach your situation by contacting us today.

Last Updated on September 14, 2023 by Ronen Ben-Dror

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